Researching family and local history in New Brunswick
Category: <span>general</span>

The Moss Rose

One of my favourite hobbies outside family research is roses. I have as many as my urban yard can handle. One I don’t currently have is a moss rose. It was likely from a natural sport of a Gallica rose. They became an interest of the horticultural set which created …

Tangled Taylors

– the unravelling continues. Well, I think I’ve proven my first Taylor connection using DNA (and possibly disproved one). In my Taylors there are a few matches that were pointed to a John W. Taylor. He and his family were next to my great great grandparents, David A. and Emily …

Welcome to the site

And I attempt the task with the persuasion that in no part of North America, all its advantages considered, is there a more eligible field for the agriculturist or gentleman of limited means; who may desire to find in the new world, that competence and comfort, which the crowded state …